Coffee Porter

Visualization & Design

As the copy on the label states, "Coffee Porter is a COFFEE beer not a beer with coffee." Here at Planet-TreX Media, we are big fans of both precious liquids, and the opportunity to combine them in a video was too good to pass up. After pounding a few coffees during the brainstorming session, we decided to open the video with an extreme close-up of those precious little coffee beans and oh-so-sweet chocolate. There is a ton of motion in the label art (too much coffee gets ya a bit jittery after all), so we wanted to incorporate that in a fun and enticing way. We decided to go for a combination of fast and slow motion while never easing up on the energy. We pull the viewer in from a macro to a close-up view of the artwork while engulfing the senses with music and sound effects. In the final shot, we aimed to slow things down, but not to a complete stop, so we introduced some smooth camera movements to reveal the beautiful pitch-black consistency of the beer. At the same time, chocolate drips in the background while steam from a hot pot of coffee releases into the air. Beer and coffee never looked so good!


The photo is copyright protected. No authorized use unless given by Planet-TreX Media.